Saturday, May 14, 2011

Photos from Hari Olahraga

‎8 May 2011. Kejohanan Olahraga Sukan Tahunan SK Taman Bukit Indah ke 11. More than 7 hours under the sun could not stop the fun and excitement of all those taking part on the field. Rumah Merah may have finished tops but every student was a winner that day. Congrats to all, participants, teachers and organizers.

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New and upgraded SKTBI facilities

The PIBG recently upgraded several of SKTBI facilities. Namely,
providing shaded walkway to the canteen, roof between the dewan and
kedai buku, new tiles around the pondok rehat, and 4 new water
coolers. Check out the photos on our Facebook page.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hari Olahraga: May 8th

Kejohanan Olahraga Sukan Tahunan
SK Taman Bukit Indah ke 11
Stadium Mini Seri Permaisuri
pada 8 Mei 2011